Mga Pahina

Linggo, Mayo 20, 2012

Why Music Lovers Must Switch to SoundCloud

SoundCloud is the top music sharing and distribution website on the internet. Some will even refer to it as the YouTube of audio, which means it is a very promising start-up to behold for both music lovers and music labels. So why aren’t these people on SoundCloud? It figures, when this music platform is pretty amazing.

If you are one of the disbelievers of SoundCloud, here are some reasons why you must consider switching.

1.     SoundCloud is as much a social network as it is a music platform.

Imagine Spotify with Facebook. You can upload music tracks and then share them directly in one spot full of interested audience. Unlike trying to get your audience to play your audio tracks using another social website, SoundCloud gives you the convenience of social music sharing without going to another website. Thus, it will give you the opportunity to leverage your music using a variety of marketing or distribution tactics such as the option to buySoundCloud plays.

2.     SoundCloud allows you to follow fellow musicians.

To continue with SoundCloud’s characteristics for social sharing, it also has this follow system, much like Twitter or Tumblr. You can scour the website and look for people to inspire you in your music creation. Choose from different genres from ballad to hip-hop and get insights from their creators. If you want to be followed yourself, all you have to do is create wonderful audio tracks.

Another alternative is to buy SoundCloud followers, just to make a quick presence in the website. Who would not get awed by a 100 or more following? People who come upon your profile will surely check out your music tracks out of curiosity and guess what, that is another SoundCloud play for you.

3.     SoundCloud Next will rule the online music scene.

If you have been following social media news blogs, for sure you have encountered SoundCloud and how it is going to roll out a new interface. The Next SoundCloud will be rolled out in the next few months and is said to become more social with real time notifications and repost feature. Real time notifications will work like Facebook notifications. So each time someone comments, likes, shares or reposts your audio tracks or those that you follow, you will be automatically be notified. Repost, on the other hand, works like Tumblr’s reblog or Twitter’s retweet. So when a person reposts your audio track, it will automatically be in their feeds and will possibly acquire more SoundCloud plays for you.

These three are a few of what SoundCloud can bring to the table on music marketing. If you want to take advantage of this very promising music platform with 15 million users already, you better sign up now.

Biyernes, Mayo 18, 2012

SoundCloud Adds 5 Million Users in 4 Months

It was only this January when the news hit the web about SoundCloud reaching a 10 million milestone in user base. This new and emerging player in audio sharing and distribution has more than outdone itself, as it shockingly acquired 5 million more in sign ups, all within four months time. What can you make of that?

It is amazing how SoundCloud is making the buzz and un-muting the World Wide Web. Just recently, an article released at Web Pro News talked about an irate man audio taping his  next-door neighbor after experiencing a series of sleepless nights due to late night sexy noises (you know what this means) and uploaded the audio track to SoundCloud. See how SoundCloud has been gaining traction to its users? The track has been widely spread because it was on SoundCloud. Some users are even using the audio tape for remixes. How weird is that? But if you think about it, remixing a controversial audio is an effective strategy in how to getSoundCloud followers or SoundCloud plays. It’s quirky and notorious.

It is no wonder, why SoundCloud is so popular, adding more users each day. The 5 million additions might be because of its latest teaser page of the Next SoundCloud web app. It is what keeps SoundCloud busy, the new and improved SoundCloud experience. It is currently under beta with 10,000 selected users, who are lucky enough to be the first ones to try.

Now that SoundCloud has a total of 15 million registered users, a new interface and additional functions, venture capitalists and other music labels will see the advantage of investing in this music/audio platform. Music artists might even jump ship from wherever music website they are currently hosting their tracks. SoundCloud is a promising website that adapts the trend of social sharing with its follow method (Twitter and Facebook) and now the repost tracks (Tumblr). Social sharing is the latest fad in the internet with everyone sharing, liking, tweeting, and reblogging. So this move is very strategic and timely.

Both the old and new users will be able to take advantage of this SoundCloud and its new interface. They can share their SoundCloud music way easier with the new platform because of the additional social features. Other than the two mentioned before (follow and repost), SoundCloud also has track comments and real time notifications.

Linggo, Mayo 6, 2012

Will SoundCloud Be On Radar By The Feds?

We all know it could happen anytime now. We’re all familiar with the old adage, ‘here today, gone tomorrow...’ and that could very well be demise of some of the best loved software known to man. Every digital rocker service and file linking website is on red alert due to the capture of MegaUpload and TVShack. The Feds have finally caught up to their game and it’s time for other websites to check their billion zettabytes of data. 

It’s clear that the US Federal Government is taking out its banhammer and they’re not afraid to use it on anyone. They’re ramping up its fight against illegal file sharing and hosting. It’s like a new war and it’s on a different kind of drug. No longer are they motivating users to stop or to regulate their usage, they’re just going to attack websites straight on. Websites such as RapidShare, MediaFire and there’s still a lot of loopholes, it could be sites like Grooveshark and SoundCloud that could also be in peril.

The US Government is definitely going on a slippery slope. Although MegaUpload was obviously operating a shady business, there’s still a chance that of those 150 million registered users, some of the content could have originally been legal. It’s a different situation from TVShack and Richard O’Dwyer whose site has been shut down and is now facing extradition to the United States from simply linking to sites hosting illegal content.

Now the question is… what’s next? Or rather, who’s next? There are several digital locker services that operate similar to MegaUpload and TVShack. Although they are considered larger services, it won’t be long until the Feds come for everyone else and do something more proactive. There are still some lines they have to communicate to everyone in the world. Such as, what about other services such as DropBox, iCloud and Amazon S3 which are all open to hosting any file type a user uploads. They make sharing easy, but in a way that’a  a lot more private that MegaUpload. In the end, the prime goal of all these sites is open file sharing – just like MegaUpload.

Not only regular files are at stake, but that also includes music files on the airwaves. SoundCloud and Grooveshark allow individuals to explore musical works, but there is a copy written material uploaded to the service as well. As of the moment, Grooveshark is actively pursuing licenses needed for the material it hosts and streams. We can only cross our fingers to see if their request would be granted in time.

Luckily, not everyone in the digital locker service industry has been shut down. It seems that the trick is to fly under the radar by not dominating the space. MegaUpload was huge. At some time in the past, it was estimated to be the 13th most visited website on the Internet. Shutting it down was not going to curb file sharing en mass. Just like how Napster failed in the past, Bit Torrent took off. But if the Feds are going to continue to fast-track their practices, it seems that Kim Dotcom will now have a few cellmates, minus some SoundCloud music for the people of the world.